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Стаття періодики

Approximate Analysis of Short Circuited Ring Patch Antenna Working at TM01 Mode [Електронний ресурс] / Vicente Gonzalez-Posadas, Daniel Segovia-Vargas, Eva Rajo-Iglesias и др. // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. – 2006. – № 6. – Pp. 1875–1879

Статистика використання: Завантажень: 1

Складова документа:
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. № 6. 54 / IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. – USA, 2006

This paper presents a study of the short circuited ring patch antenna based on the cavity model. Special attention has been paid to the fundamental mode in this geometry: the TM01 mode. Analytical expressions for resonant frequency, fields, radiation pattern and input impedance based on this model have been developed. Simulations based on this theoretical model and experimental results show good agreement. The interesting
radiation characteristics and resonant frequency of this mode are presented.