SOI Technology for Radio-Frequency Integrated-Circuit Applications [Електронний ресурс] / R. Yang, H. Qian, J. Li и др. // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. – 2006. – № 6. – P. 1310–1316
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Статистика використання: Завантажень: 2
This paper presents a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) integration technology, including structures and processes of OFF-gate power nMOSFETs, conventional lightly doped drain (LDD)
nMOSFETs, and spiral inductors for radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) applications. In order to improve the performance of these integrated devices, body contact under the source (to suppress floating-body effects) and salicide (to reduce series resistance)
techniques were developed for transistors; additionally, locally thickened oxide (to suppress substrate coupling) and ultra- thick aluminum up to 6 mkm (to reduce spiral resistance) were also implemented for spiral inductors on high-resistivity SOI substrate.
nMOSFETs, and spiral inductors for radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) applications. In order to improve the performance of these integrated devices, body contact under the source (to suppress floating-body effects) and salicide (to reduce series resistance)
techniques were developed for transistors; additionally, locally thickened oxide (to suppress substrate coupling) and ultra- thick aluminum up to 6 mkm (to reduce spiral resistance) were also implemented for spiral inductors on high-resistivity SOI substrate.