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Kondo M. et al. Strained-Silicon MOSFETs for Analog Applications: Utilizing a Supercritical-Thickness Strained Layer for Low Leakage Current and High Breakdown Voltage [Електронний ресурс] / M. et al. Kondo // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. – 2006. – № 5. – P. 1226–1234

Статистика використання: Завантажень: 1
Strained-silicon MOSFETs with both high breakdown voltage and low leakage current needed for RF/analog applications were investigated. Proper control of junction-depth
profile and strained-silicon-layer thickness significantly improved transconductance, ON resistance, and leakage current. Breakdown voltage of strained-silicon MOSFETs was the same as silicon MOSFETs even at elevated temperatures. RF/analog performances, such as cutoff frequency and 1/f noise, were improved by this technology while keeping high-driving-voltage capability.