Shibahara Kentaro. Merits of Heat Assist for Melt Laser Annealing [Електронний ресурс] / Kentaro Shibahara, Takanori Eto, Ken-ichi Kurobe // IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Електронний ресурс]. – 2006. – № 5. – Pp. 1059–1064
- Електронна версія (pdf / 434 Kb)
Статистика використання: Завантажень: 1
In this paper, the potential for sub-10-nm junction formation of partial-melt laser annealing (PMLA), which is a combination of solid-phase regrowth and heat-assisted laser annealing
(HALA), is demonstrated. HALA and PMLA are effective for reducing laser-energy density for dopant activation and for improving heating uniformity of device structure. The absence of melting at the dopant profile tail for PMLA results in a negligibly small diffusion at this region. A high activation rate is achievable by melting the upper part of the amorphous-silicon layer. The obtained sheet resistance of 10-nm-deep junctions was about 700 Щ/sq. for both n+/p and p+/n junctions. These results imply that PMLA is applicable for much shallower junction formation.
(HALA), is demonstrated. HALA and PMLA are effective for reducing laser-energy density for dopant activation and for improving heating uniformity of device structure. The absence of melting at the dopant profile tail for PMLA results in a negligibly small diffusion at this region. A high activation rate is achievable by melting the upper part of the amorphous-silicon layer. The obtained sheet resistance of 10-nm-deep junctions was about 700 Щ/sq. for both n+/p and p+/n junctions. These results imply that PMLA is applicable for much shallower junction formation.