Вид документа:


Abell M. L. Differential Equations with Mathematica [Електронний ресурс] / M. L. Abell, J. P. Braselton, 1992. – 641 с. : іл.

Статистика використання: Завантажень: 76
The purpose of Differential Equations with Mathematica is twofold. First, we introduce and briefly discuss in a very standard manner all topics typically covered in an undergraduate course in ordinary differential equations as well as some supplementary topics such as Laplace transforms, Fourier series, and partial differential equations which are not. Second, we illustrate howMathematica is used to enhance the study of differential equations not only by eliminating the computational difficulties, but also by overcoming
the visual limitations associated with the solutions of differential equations. In each chapter, we first briefly present the material in a manner similar to most differential equations texts and then illustrate how Mathematica can be used to solve some typical problems.