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Шифр: Ф4(4Укр) L95
Lozhkin B. The fourth Republic: Why Europe needs Ukraine and why Ukraine needs Europe / B. Lozhkin ; With Contribution from V. Fedorin. – Kyiv : Novyj Druk, 2016. – 243 p. – ISBN 978-617-635-082-8. – 50.00

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The book by Borys Lozhkin is a snapshot of one of the most dramatic pages of our history, when the fate of the Ukrainian state was decided. The author gives a substantial analysis of the reasons that led to the Revolution of Dignity and a sober and sincere judgement of the situation in the country. This book is about the future of Ukraine: the author expresses interesting thoughts on how to ensure successful reforms and rebuild a strong and effective state.
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Абонемент інозем.літ-ри к. 43822