Вид документа:



Шифр: 004.4 S89
Stroustrup B. The C++ Programming Language / B. Stroustrup. – 4-ed. – Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2013. – 1346 p. – ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2. – 1200.00

Статистика використання: Видач: 0

This book introduces standard C++ and the key programming and design techniques supported)y C++. Standard C++ is a far more powerful and polished language than the version of C++ intro-iuced by the first edition of this book. New language features such as namespaces, exceptions,jmplates, and run-time type identification allow many techniques to be applied more directly thanwas possible before, and the standard library allows the programmer to start from a much higher level than the bare language.
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