Вид документа:



Шифр: 004.4 R53
Richter J. CLR via C# 4.5 / J. Richter. – 4-ed. – Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2012. – 863 p. – ISBN 978-0-7356-6745-7. – 850.00

Статистика використання: Видач: 0

The book addresses Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 4.5, and version 5.0 of the C# programming language. Because Microsoft tries to maintain a largedegree of backward compatibility when releasing a new version of these technologies,many of the things I discuss in this book apply to earlier versions as well. All the codesamples use the C# programming language as a way to demonstrate the behavior ofthe various facilities. But, because the CLR is usable by many programming languages,the book's content is still quite applicable for the non-C# programmer.
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