Ббуйє Міхаель. Модель та алгоритми проектування комплексу технічних засобів системи безпеки банку : магістерська атестаційна робота, пояснювальна записка / Міхаель Ббуйє ; кер. роботи Проф. Шеховцов Б.Г. ; ХНУРЕ, Кафедра Центр навчання студентів іноземною мовою. – Харків, 2013. – 88 с. : CD
Ббуйє Міхаель. Модель та алгоритми проектування комплексу технічних засобів системи безпеки банку : магістерська атестаційна робота, пояснювальна записка / Міхаель Ббуйє ; кер. роботи Проф. Шеховцов Б.Г. ; ХНУРЕ, Кафедра Центр навчання студентів іноземною мовою. – Харків, 2013. – 88 с. : CD
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The main idea of this project is to detect abnormal events/situations which need registration in a corporation security network, with the use of automated monitoring system. When a situation is detected it is being pre-defined as well as the location of the situation and possible direction of the situation. After which the video (LAN cameras) starts in premises where situation is located including neighboring rooms and then transmit video to central server.
The security of a network system is increasingly important, as the use of information system is now widespread in the lives of individuals, business and society. The significance of information security and demand for relevant skills has been emphasized recently by high- profile incidents concerning the privacy of personal data and security of financial information.
Detecting and minimizing the effects of abnormal situations remains vital to ensuring the safety of personnel, the environment, the plant, and production.
The security of a network system is increasingly important, as the use of information system is now widespread in the lives of individuals, business and society. The significance of information security and demand for relevant skills has been emphasized recently by high- profile incidents concerning the privacy of personal data and security of financial information.
Detecting and minimizing the effects of abnormal situations remains vital to ensuring the safety of personnel, the environment, the plant, and production.